Monday, April 6, 2009

I am just starting this blog... really don't know what I am doing yet.
For those who may not really know me (or just don't know me any more), Frank and I have two boys with Down syndrome (Trisomey 21). They have a duplication of their twenty first chromosome. This bit of extra information reek havoc on their bodies... every cell is affected. I don't know how often or what I will be blogging yet...
I just know that Down syndrome awareness is what I am called to be doing. So in trying to be faithful to the beautiful boys that God has given me I will share who we are, the blessing, the struggles and our lives
God bless to all!
betsy caines


  1. Love that you are starting this...about time you shared what God is doing in your life...with the world! SO proud to have you all as friends!!!

  2. Besty you are the best blogger ever!
