Monday, April 20, 2009

My new hero!

I will warn everyone that I am not a writer by trade. Please be patient with me as I exercise some "brain muscles" that I have not used in quite some time!

Have you ever met some and thought, "I want to be like that?" or "Now that's a person to look up to?" Have you ever met one of your heroes? Well, I have!

No, I did not meet a pro sports player or a movie star. I did not get to meet Beth Moore or Julia Roberts. No, I did not get back stage passes to a Micheal W. Smith or Steven Curtis Champman concerts. My new hero is not famous. He doesn't make lots of money. He is my hero because he is just himself!

My hero is Ryan! He is a 32 year old man with Down syndrome. Why is he my hero? Why do I look up to him? Ryan gives me hope! He allows me to have a glimpse into the future. He helps me see beyond the here-and-now of Caleb and Joshua's lives.

We meet Ryan about 9 months ago when he and his family moved back into the area. When I first meet Ryan I knew I had found a friend, a person to look up to. Over the past few months Ryan's family has opened their hearts and home to us. We have had the chance to talk, laugh and (of course) eat together. Each time my heart is warmed.

I some times see "typical" families and think, "Will my boys ever ____ (fill in the blank)?" Ryan helps answer that question. Ryan graduated from High School. Ryan is taking Life Skills Classes at college. Ryan can dress himself. Ryan takes great pride in his job. He can go to the bathroom by himself. He has his own room and is very proud of it. He mows the lawn. Ryan likes to pour drinks for his dinner guests. He loves meat, but not veggies. He dresses himself. He loves to goof off with Frank (my husband). Ryan has taken a mission trip with is family. He is an usher at church. Ryan is giving me hope!

We've all heard the heart warming stories about people with Down syndrome who get married or live "on their own". These are beautiful! They are... but when I am elbow deep in being a Mom of two little ones with Down syndrome I don't want to think about marriage or living on their own. I start dreaming of two way conversations with my boys or of road trips with "potty breaks" not diaper changing breaks. I long for the day we can tell jokes (and they get the punch line) or of playing pranks and they understand when and when not to do it. I look forward to Caleb saying, "Mom, don't come in here! I can go to the bathroom by myself!" If my boys want to get married or move out okay... I'll deal with it then. Reality is they may not. Let me be really honest, many kids want to be astronauts when they grow up, but very few people go to space. Just because a child does not became an astronaut does not mean they do nothing!

Ryan is just Ryan! He does not have to be famous or rich or extra ordinary to touch my life. He just needs to be himself. Ryan gives me hope that some day my boys will ____ (fill in the blank)!

I pray someday my boys will be a "Ryan" in someone's life!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Betsy, I enjoy your blog. Please know my heartfelt prayers are with you and the boys (all three of them!) all the time. You make me proud and I love you very much.
