Thursday, January 14, 2010

Highs & Lows

If you are joining this blog for the first time, welcome! Please feel free to read through past blogs. I have two natural children with Down syndrome and this blog offers a reflection of our life.

Today was a day of emotional "highs" and "lows".

This morning I went over to St. Louis University and spoke to first year medical students about being a mother with two children who have Down syndrome. What an honor! This was my third year being a "guest" speaker. I was able to just update my talk and add a few pictures to the slide show. Sounds so simple, but I still get "butterflies" every time I talk. Joshua (the 2 1/2 year old) was my stage buddy and he did fabulous!

The students were very attentive and asked some really great questions! In many ways I feel like this is one way I can advocate for all people with Down syndrome. I am always humbled and blessed by this kind of opportunity! As I drove home I was mumbling a silent little prayer, "Lord, this is what I was created to do! Thank you for opening this door! My boys are such a gift and I know you, Lord, are the one who gave them to me! Thank you! Send me, Lord, wherever you want me to go!"

With every "high" there is a low... Shortly after getting home from St. Louis University I received a phone call from school. Caleb's teacher called to inform me that he had punched his aid in the face. That Caleb is having "increasingly aggressive" behavior and that it has become a "real problem"... I just wanted to cry (oh, wait I did as soon as I got off the phone). I know Caleb is a VERY strong willed child, but I had no suggestions...

The teacher and I brainstormed some things. So, the next step will be to do a Functional Behavior Assessment so that a Behavior Plan can be implemented into his IEP (Individual Education Plan). For some time I have been thinking Caleb needs to see a Neurologist for sensory issues and "autistic" traits. We already have an appointment, but it is not until March. So, I called the Pediatrician's office it see if they could expedite the proses for us. The nurse (our favorite nurse) said she would call a few offices for us to see what she can do. I love our Pediatrician and her staff!

So today I have felt the "high" of being an advocate. By speaking up and sharing our story, I really felt like I was making a difference! Yet that "high" was short lived... the reality of life met me at the back door... There is always an issue... there will always be something that needs to be dealt with... Now my prayer is sounding something like this, "Lord, please just give me strength. Help me balance life in a way that I am serving you and my family. Help me, Lord, to be faithful no matter the issue... I just want to effectively help Caleb so that he can function appropriately... Lord, no matter the challenge I know you are in charge and you love us! Thank you! One more thing, Lord... I know I said to send me any where, but I really did not want to go to the Principal's office.. but if that is where you are sending me than I will go..."

It seems life is just one issue followed by another with very brief moments of sanity and peace!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Betsy! You are an amazing purrson, Mother, Niece, Furriend! Call me ANYtime. You know I will be there for you, as you are for me!

    Many Hugs and Purrs
