Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Back... Down But Not Out!

Hello all! Much has happened in the last several years... Frank attended (and completed) graduate school, I was working outside of the home during that time, and I  was the "main" parent for several years while our family went on this schooling journey.... We are all glad that time is behind us! We are ecstatic to be a whole family once more. The boys love having Daddy home and to have a remotely sane Mommy again... With the freshness of a new year and a new chapter in our life, I am committing posting weekly blogs.

We are a family blessed with two sons (Caleb 10 and Joshua 6)! In all of God's wisdom - maybe hummer is a better word - He created both my boys with Down syndrome. So this is a glimpse into our life the good, the bad and the goofy!

I will do a little catch up this first post... Caleb is now a 4th grader... sigh... He is nearly 5 feet tall! He is thriving at Franklin School in Belleville, Illinois participating in their autism program. So... My Caleb is a "special" sort of boy... I knew very soon after his younger brother, Joshua, was born that something else was going on with Caleb. He has always had sensory issues (loud noises and too much stimulation drive him crazy ... literally.) But it took several years, a butt load of doctors, and some REALLY bad behavior issues at school before I was able to find a psychologist who got it! The doc nailed it the moment we walked into his door... I think I even started crying... I was so exhausted from the constant phone calls and no one wanting to believe he had autism! Caleb has to be in a self-contained classroom (limited interaction with kiddos outside of his classroom) and a VERY structured environment!

Joshua has a serious issue as well it is called "youngest child syndrome" (wink, wink) this is far worse than Down syndrome! I say this tongue in cheek, but it is true. He can be so charming and yet a stinker at the same time... He is so darn cute and VERY theatrical! This deadly combination is his secret weapon! Joshua is now a fist grader and the transition from preschool to "real" school was a bit of a shock to his system. But he is doing well and has an amazing teacher (thank you Mrs. Fanous) and personal aid (Tamara you're the best)! Joshua likes to be in charge... so he is learning to cope with this...

The boys are truly best buddies! But they are very much brothers - loving each other one moment and arguing the next... They keep us entertained!

We are very blessed! I look forward to many of fun blogs with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back! Thanks for the update. We have 2 boys with Ds, as well, although one of them via adoption. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
